“Walk the talk.”

With this website I showcase my professional journey, personal endeavors, relationships, and experiences, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of my personality and values. This internal perspective is completed when others share their perspectives on me, offering their view of my character and contributions and therefor completing the sphere of my personality.

Joris Noëth
VP Commercial Excellence & Transformation @Bruker BioSpin

“It is not an exaggeration to state that Alexander's contributions during his tenure were instrumental in creating measurable enhancements in the company's customer experience, which in turn bolstered our organizational growth and reputation.”

  • To whom it may concern,

    I am writing to highly recommend Alexander Brenk, who served under my direct supervision for three years at Bruker BioSpin, managing the critical role of Experience Improvement. It is not an exaggeration to state that Alexander's contributions during his tenure were instrumental in creating measurable enhancements in the company's customer experience, which in turn bolstered our organizational growth and reputation.
    One of Alexander's standout achievements was the implementation of an Experience Improvement framework including a comprehensive customer survey designed to evaluate and prioritize improvement initiatives. This wasn't just another customer feedback tool; the survey ingeniously incorporated a weighted impact score system, measuring our company's performance against industry peers and discerning the importance of various topics from our customers' perspectives.
    By adopting this data-driven approach, Alexander ensured that our initiatives were not based on mere hunches but were grounded in tangible insights, giving precedence to the areas that mattered most to our clientele. This approach was not just efficient; it was revolutionary, enabling the company to allocate resources more effectively and ensure the highest levels of customer satisfaction.
    Moreover, using the findings from his survey, Alexander spearheaded several initiatives which metamorphosed into successful projects, all aimed at enhancing those customer experiences which were perceived as most impactful. His forward-thinking strategies and astute problem-solving abilities have left a lasting imprint on our department and the wider organization.
    What equally stands out about Alexander, besides his professional acumen, is his ability to collaborate and communicate across all levels of the organization. Whether it was liaising with senior management, collaborating with cross-functional teams, or fostering relationships with stakeholders, Alexander showcased impeccable interpersonal skills. His capacity to articulate complex strategies with clarity and engage constructively with a wide range of personalities is truly commendable.
    In conclusion, Alexander Brenk is a distinguished professional with a unique blend of strategic foresight, customer-centric mindset, and exceptional interpersonal capabilities. Any organization fortunate enough to secure his talents will undoubtedly benefit from his drive, intelligence, and dedication. I have no reservations in recommending him wholeheartedly for any endeavor he chooses to pursue.

    Warm regards,
    Joris Noëth
    VP Commercial Excellence & Transformation
    Bruker BioSpin

Michael Schulze
Senior Manager Digital User Experience @Bruker BioSpin

“[…]  I can confidently say that his contributions were invaluable to our team. Alexander embodies a rare blend of intelligence, reliability, and dedicated customer focus.”

  • I had the privilege of working with Alexander Brenk for a remarkable three years, and I can confidently say that his contributions were invaluable to our team. Alexander embodies a rare blend of intelligence, reliability, and dedicated customer focus.

    Alexander consistently impressed us with his intellect and analytical strength. Whether dissecting complex problems or developing innovative solutions, he approached every challenge with an open mind and a strategic mindset.
    Reliability is a rare quality, but Alexander embodies it effortlessly. His commitment to meeting deadlines, delivering quality work, and maintaining consistency was unwavering. We could always count on him to keep the ship sailing smoothly.
    Alexander truly understood the heartbeat of our customers. His ability to empathize, listen, and translate customer needs into actionable requirements was exceptional. He championed the user experience, ensuring our solutions aligned seamlessly with customer expectations.

    While I focused on the technical aspects, Alexander took charge of the business. His ability to create comprehensive requirements allowed us to build solutions that met technical specifications and aligned perfectly with organizational goals, always focusing on the customer.
    It was not only his understanding of the technical aspects, his clear instinct, and his knowledge of the business but the way he combined both. Not just packing two and two together but packaging them with the red thread of a story to tell. His insights into market trends, revenue models, and industry dynamics were instrumental in shaping our projects – bridging the gap between technology, business, and the customer seamlessly.

    In summary, Alexander is the kind of professional who elevates the entire team. His dedication, intellect, and holistic approach make him an asset in any collaborative environment – incredibly challenging and forward-thinking environments. It has been an honor to work alongside such a remarkable individual.

Uwe Bettermann
Manager SAP-VC Solutions @Bruker BioSpin

“Neben seiner tadellosen fachlichen Qualifikation zeichnet sich Alexander durch Optimismus, Freundlichkeit und ein hohes Maß an Teamgeist aus.”

  • Als Manager SAP VC Solution war es mir eine große Freude und ein besonderes Vergnügen, mit Alexander in den letzten 3 Jahren zusammenzuarbeiten, nachdem er 2020 als Senior Global Experience Improvement Manager zu Bruker BBIO kam.
    Sein fundierter technischer Hintergrund, seine schnelle Auffassungsgabe und sein sofortiges Interesse an den komplexen Produkten sowie dem Produktportfolio von Bruker ermöglichten es ihm, sich sehr schnell einzuarbeiten. In seiner Rolle war er der geschätzte, lösungsorientierte Ansprechpartner für Produktmanager, Vertrieb und Vertriebsinnendienst bzw. das Commercial Excellence Team und auch ein geschätzter Vermittler.
    Jetzt, da Alexander sich anderen neuen Möglichkeiten und Erfahrungen zuwendet, muss ich insbesondere feststellen, dass ich während unserer wöchentlichen Projektbesprechungen seine ermutigende Offenheit, seinen feinen Humor und sein Einfühlungsvermögen vermissen werde, und natürlich seine Professionalität und seine ständige Bereitschaft, Neues zu lernen und zu lehren. Das alles hat mir sehr gut gefallen, und ich bin überzeugt, dass sein neues, beneidenswertes Team ihn herzlich willkommen heißen wird.
    Ich habe ihn als selbstständig denkenden, verantwortungsbewussten und stets zuverlässigen Mitarbeiter und Kollegen kennen und schätzen gelernt, der auch in stressigen Situationen stets freundlich bleibt und einen kühlen Kopf bewahrt.
    Alexander genießt auch heute noch einen hervorragenden Ruf bei seinen Kollegen und Kunden - nicht zuletzt wegen seiner zahlreichen konstruktiven Vorschläge zur Lösung damaliger Probleme.
    Neben seiner tadellosen fachlichen Qualifikation zeichnet sich Alexander durch Optimismus, Freundlichkeit und ein hohes Maß an Teamgeist aus.
    Ich wünsche Alexander sowohl beruflich als auch privat weiterhin viel Erfolg und alles Gute.